Saturday, February 23, 2008

Tostada Dinner

I made a big tostada dinner for my team, full of American foods like guacamole, homemade tostadas and chocolate chip cookies for dessert. It was a big success and I was less stressed knowing I knew how to make everything. I even made refried beans myself since it drives me nuts to pay 7.50 euros a can (about 10$) and I have to go across town to find them. They turned out really well, and I will make them again.

My guacamole was excellent and stayed green for 2 days.

The other nice surprise of the day was finding that the chili peppers sold for North African cuisine are about the right spiciness for me and I made a really great pico de gallo the next day for my leftovers. It was simple to make and so much better than jarred salsa, and these chilis are available year-round, so it was a nice find!

The chocolate chip cookies were a big success and I drafted help in the kitchen to make them. Everyone went home with a baggie and I had none leftover.

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