E & I had a "date" last night. We went for a quick dinner (Japanese, Aki, where he introduced me to okonomiya) and then went to the movies last night. It was supposed to be the theatre but E was talking to a client on the phone as we drove in circles looking for a parking space and wouldn't be distracted by me during the process, even though I kept trying to ask him if he was SURE we were in the right neighborhood... bottom line - we weren't. And the theatre was starting at that minute and we still had a good distance to go and parking to find... in short, it wasn't going to happen. (I confess, we've had this scenario play out a few other times...). I smiled sweetly and said it wasn't a big deal, we can just go to the movies.
We showed up at MK2Bibilotheque where there are tons of choices, good parking, and shops to pass the time. We chose to see Be Kind Rewind which I was happy about because it was a comedy and in English - so easy fun for me! It was quite funny, and we laughed a lot (even though we didn't know a lot of the movies they "sweded"). Enjoyable fun film, reminded me a bit of High Fidelity in terms of emotional tone, etc.
A very nice date night, we both enjoyed the restaurant and the unexpected film. One of those outings we don't do often enough... but it worked because it was spontaneous and not forced.
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