Saturday, August 23, 2008

Terracotta Soliders

We were looking for a good family outing and found this, the "Soldats de l'eternite". At the end of summer there aren't too many expos in play, and I'd seen most of what I wanted to see, so this seemed like a good choice, mixing art (for me) and history (for E) while staying short and manageable for all, friends included.

The works themselves were interesting but the layout was a pain and the ratio of really good stuff to filler was pretty poor. The Pinacotheque is not one of my favorite spots, and this expo did nothing to change that impression.

We also took in the gardens at the Musee Rodin (but not the actual museum) and that left more of an impression on me - he was just masterful, and the gardens are lovely, even on a crowded sunny Saturday.

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