My mom has been recommending this book to me for ages - largely because the author is a friend of hers. I knew she loved the book and thought it was terrific, but as I didn't pick it up right away I had no idea her friend would wow the publishing world and be a runaway bestseller in his first attempt at bat, sitting high on the NY Times bestseller list, gaining lots of great reviews as a great summer read, and even making Oprah's book club.
I really enjoyed David Wroblewski's The Story of Edgar Sawtell, and I enjoyed even more having the time to read it. It's a big book, and therefore not practical for schleping on travel and in my purse for zipping about town, but I took it with me on a 3 day weekend and read it in the train to and fro, along with lovely chunks of the day with a cup of tea...
I'm a dog person, and maybe you have to be to really like this book. But the characters are great, the story keeps moving, and the writing style is clean and punchy. Definitely a good read.