Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Le Cercle Rouge

We watched the French thriller/police movie Le Cercle Rouge in two parts.

The actors were terrific, all of them, but in particular Yves Montand and of course Alain Delon is always easy on the eyes.

I liked the movie. Suspenseful, not violent, great characters.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

La Place - Annie Ernaux

The small, compact and bare bones books of Annie Ernaux are powerful things. You get deep inside the emotions of a person without it being a fancy or dramatic affair.

La Place tells the story of her relationship with her father, and it's deeply personal and real.

Makes you want to read more (and in French!)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Amsterdam - Ian McEwan

I've been stuck on Salaman Rushdie's Satanic Vesres for several weeks now - the book was harder than I was prepared for, and when the story slowed down I just stopped reading for a while. I've tried forcing myself a few times but didn't really feel it, the reading bug didn't catch, and so I decided to start something else.

Ian McEwan's Amsterdam was a good choice - a fast read, good story, well told and quick action. It's the first of his novels I've read, and from what I've gathered not his best. I didn't love it but it was enjoyable, and if nothing else I'm grateful it moved me out of stuck on reading.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


We went to see Gomorra this evening. Sad, touching, brutal and frightening. As is often the case, the Cannes jury didn't pick an easy film as the best picture this year.

I'm glad I recently did Sopranos marathons, because I was better able to tolerate the violence, and because it made that NJ mafia look warm and fuzzy.

In Gomorrah the director did a great job of developing empathy for several characters, in particular the two young punks who have more testosterone than brains, the couture foreman, and the older money man. The best was probably the young Tito, although waste management situation was also pretty incredible.

Hard movie, but very good.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Three Days of the Condor

We watched Three Days of the Condor last night, which was a real mid-70's period movie featuring paranoia of the government trying to do everything possible to protect Middle Eastern oil interests. Could easily be remade for today, that issue is just as pertinent (although maybe we're a bit less affected by the post-Watergate era).

Redford was excellent and I've never seen anything before with a young Faye Dunaway. We liked the movie, although I wouldn't put it on a "best" list...

Friday, September 5, 2008


Our choices for family movies are getting broader as A gets older, but Didier was more in the kid-stuff genre anyway. It was amusing and an original idea (dog gets transformed into a man) but the pace was slow at times and unless one is a huge football (soccer) fan there were some sequences that were grating on my nerves.

Still, a fun little film, and the acting of Chabat and Bacri was good.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Sopranos

E and I started watching the Sopranos together in February, after his surgery. While E really like Season 1, he liked the second one much less and decided he didn't want to continue. I've made slow progress through the episodes on evenings when I'm by myself since then, and have just finished the series.

I'm sad it's over, it was original and I really enjoyed watching it.